Monday, January 6, 2014

Metabolic Workout for Fat Loss

What’s one of the best ways to lose body fat as quickly as possible? You see the commercials on all the time. Yes there’s a method to their madness. It’s called Metabolic Resistance Training? Is it for everyone? To be honest No, it isn't. And no I won't tell you to jump up on 48 inch box. But I will tell you have to increase your intensity and shorten your workout…yes you heard me. NO 2 hour sessions on the treadmill. Listen up…….

What is Metabolic Resistance Training?
This form of training is going to have you quickly moving from strength movement to strength movement with very little rest in between.

First thing NO PINK DUMBBELLS! And yes we’re going to add several cardio moves. Things like burpees or jumping jacks, but the primary goal must be to stay moving as often as possible throughout the entire workout session.

Again, ditch the 5lb weights and start lifting heavier. No ladies you are not going to bulk up! Pick a weight that works the muscles and brings them to a point of fatigue at around the 8-12 rep mark.
Bottom line, if you want fat loss and body transformation light weights simply won’t have nearly the same impact on how your body looks as does using heavier, more challenging weights, so you must be sure not to lighten the load too much. It also doesn’t mean lifting too heavy with lousy form. Experiment and try to find your ideal weight to start.

How does it work for fat loss?
If you’re planning your workouts and doing a fat loss or peaking phase or just want to mix things up these types of workouts are perfect. Have you ever heard of an after-burn? This is one of the benefits, especially as it relates to fat loss, is that these workouts are going to generate a very high degree of EPOC (which stands for excess post exercise oxygen consumption).

Not only are you burning calories while you do the work. You’re burning calories while you rest. This is key! This will add up over time and translate to far greater overall fat loss results.

Secondly, this type of training takes less time. You can be in and out of the gym in 30 minutes or less while targeting every single muscle in your body and reaping cardiovascular benefits along with it.

Finally, it’s exciting. If you’re healthy and ready for something different this type of training will deliver. You’ll be quickly moving through the workout session with no long rest periods that you have to wait through, making this a good workout for those who get bored easily. 

Are you ready for a challenge?

Sample Workout
Try to complete 8-12 reps of each exercise moving from one exercise to the next until the exercise circuit is completed.  Once it is, take a one minute break before resuming. You can do between 2-3 rounds depending on your level.

Circuit 1
Step Up
Stability Ball Leg-Curl
Burpee or Battling Ropes 30secs

Circuit 2
Military Press

Circuit 3
Romanian Deadlift
Stability Ball Plank Hold (for as long as possible)

Always remember to start each workout with a warm-up and end with a cool-down.  You should take at least one day off between workout sessions, aiming to complete your metabolic weight resistance training sessions two to three times per week.

Be use proper regressions on above plan. If unsure of any exercises please feel free to contact one of our certified trainers at the club.

So next time you feel like your progress is lagging behind and you’d like something new to try out, give this a try.  You will not be disappointed!

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